Saturday, June 27, 2015

Surviving an MBA

It’s almost hard to believe that it’s been two months at ISB already. And really, what a roller coaster this is. As an alum rightly pointed out in a session yesterday – one won’t necessarily miss these days in the time to come. An MBA at ISB is ‘highway to hell’ – he rightly said.
But then, the eventfulness of the last months is hard to ignore. It’s like I squeeze out the eventfulness in the last four years of my life, it’ll probably be equal to the eventfulness I’ve squeezed in the last two months. Shit happens – and then it sorts itself out. By the end of it you’re all stressed and you’d like to burn the burn-out so you party like crazy. That pretty much sums it up.
Honestly speaking, in the first two weeks, I felt my natural self won’t even last in this place. There’s just so much going on around you all the time – and you tend to find yourself around so many great people that it’s almost impossible to be your own un-interesting self. But then like interest rates come down in a growing economy – people’s guard of pretentiousness comes down in a fast paced MBA. And then you feel you’re more like everybody – than you thought you were.
Not to say that there aren’t any jerks in your personal life. But then a few phone calls here and there – and you’re sorted. The funny thing is that there isn’t an iota (imaginary) second available to think about it. May be I spent the last four years thinking what I’ll do in life. And maybe I’ll spend this year doing things without thinking them through.
Also, I think I’m becoming more and more Punjabi everyday. Not something I’m terribly proud of. At the risk of exposing my bad taste in music, this one's on the jukebox.