I’m going to start with the usual
– so much has changed, since the last time I blogged.
Tersely put, this is a recap so
that I can maintain a mental diary of the chronology of important life events.
Mind it that the events that I’m going to talk about are going to guide
everything in my life: my career progression, my relationship with my parents,
my marriage.
I stepped foot in ISB on the 18th
April 2015. On 5th December, I got a job offer from a top notch
consulting firm, with a fairly plush pay package. Yay! I never thought I would
manage so much. I have had such muted expectations from myself that it seems
that my luck must be at its highest point that day. Anyways, now that I have
the job, I’m just going to pretend that I deserved it.
I got the job in December, and I
was done with my placement season. And therefore, I had a lot of time on my
hands thereafter. But I basically didn’t do much besides partying, gaining 5
kilos, and screwing up my sixth term. Well worth it, I’d say. But eventually, I
was hit by an epiphany about myself: nothing depresses me more in life than to
not have a goal to pursue. If there’s no goal, there’s no feeling of
accomplishment – there’s no adrenaline rush, there’s nothing to feel bogged
down about, and nothing to pick myself up for, like the typical Hindi film hero.
I also realized that I don’t like
revealing my goals explicitly to others. I’m a secret achiever, who tries to
achieve what he has to, in a rather discrete, non-revealing way. When the goal
is achieved, I may just come back to my room, close the door, and say – ‘Yay’
to myself, with a fist clenched, and a sheepish smile on my face. And that
would be the end of it, till of course, I give myself something new to chew on.
These days, I have a couple of
things that keep my mental bandwidth preoccupied. Good health, is one. I used
to be 72 kilos, and still think that I’m not the fittest. Today, I weigh 76. It’s
plainly disappointing to think how I let this happen. Anyways, I lost 4 kilos
in the last 45 days, and slowly fitting back into the clothes that I had long
abandoned. I’m treading a path of dietary discipline, and its making me a
happier person. I’m not letting myself be till I get ‘Fit as Fuck’ (FaF) – it’s
my personal verbiage.
If you’ve read my blog earlier,
you would know that hardly a post goes without mentioning an update on my
relationship angle. Since you see no mention, clearly it’s on the backburner. I
was told that relationships don’t survive MBAs – definitely not two of them,
and most certainly not simultaneously. My relationship survived alright; but it lost a few of its senses. Pity.