Monday, February 8, 2010

Fantasasia !

Has it ever happened to you that you're in the middle of a utopian dream , and then you literally talk yourself out of it , for the perfection of it all tends to disturb you more than it could have sufficed you. "It was too good to be true", you say to yourself.

I had one such experience where I almost compelled myself ( in the dream ) to believe that it was surely a dream, my life just couldn't be that benign, till I woke up and realised that it really was a dream. The previous state , termed Fantasasia by my limited perceptions, can be defined as a state of "all that I wanted to but could never be", the supremely coveted state that is. And yeah , there are dreams where you get to date the likes of Rachel Weisz , Jennifer Lopez, Anne Hathway .... I generally obscure from talking myself out of these dreams at least, and then there are dreams in which by the time you get to do something substantially pernicious , you're disgracefully woken up with a tap on the head. Nevertheless, the best one could do then , is to buy a few more minutes of sleep and hope against hope that you'll be reinstated in those tempting opportunistic circumstances as if the dream were a movie rolling in your head. However,there is yet another category of dreams, of which you could remember nothing by the time you wake up and then you try and try harder to recollect but you just can't. Nightmares, for that matter are easier to cope, for you're inevitably forced to believe that it couldn't get worse and then you think that may be I was better off earlier(the circumstances before the nightmare), even though I wasn't that happy, but it sort of did it for me, I mean it would have at least been better than the nightmare and then the nightmare has a nightmarish ending , and you're brought back to your senses .
In retrospection, I recall falling from Kutub Minar in one of my dreams . The experience I must say was enthrilling, I'll tell you why. In those 20 seconds of free fall, you get to get a glimpse of all that you had done in life , good ,may be bad like a fast forward of sorts and then just when you're about to fall flat , you feel as if something has entered you. It is precisely simultaneous. You touch the ground with a "thump" and you feel as if your soul is back inside you, and then in the suddenness of it all you wake up and tell yourself , " Phew ! that was some dream ! ". If at all I had to give an analogy, it would like experiencing a 20,000 watt electric shock for the minutest of moments, giving you something more than just a tickle and far less than a real free fall.

For my uncalled for critics , who've had the nerve to denounce me a Universal Pessimist, there's (quite unanticipatedly) a much more benign ending to this post. I may be wrong , even though I hope not, but I'm sure there always comes a day when you think you're in a utopianly perfect dream and by the virtues of innate pessimism , you keep convincing yourself that this is just too good to be true, and wait for somebody to wake you up until you realise that there IS no waking up , it's real and happening , not a dream anymore and then you finally get to say the proverbial Indian epithet of satisfaction : Abe Jhakaass!

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